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Stepping back

 gif, romantic, gifRomantic

We tried to be friends again but I couldn’t do it. I can’t sit back and be okay with you being with her when I want you to be with me. I can sit and wait and wish and hope that we’ll be together some day, but it just hurts me even more. I just want to shake you and make you realize that we should be together, but I can’t. You’re the only one that can realize it. You’re the only one that can make the change. So as much as it aches me, breaks me, kills me to do this, I’m stepping back. I miss you every single day and don’t ever go to sleep at night without thinking about you. It takes every ounce of energy and every piece of strength in me not to cave and give in to you, but I know this is what I have to do. So I’m doing this for myself, taking myself away from you until hopefully it clicks for you. If nothing else, you were an amazing friend and I learned so much from you about relationships, love, and life.

I hope you’re happy where you are, and even though I hate to admit it- I’m waiting for you. I will always love you.. I’ll always be here.


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