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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel. Let your faith be bigger than your fears.
I pour my heart and thoughts here
Pardon my words


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all the best :')

Distance, time and careers. The three things that crush relationships. Everything is always bad timing. We make excuses, it's too hard, it's too much, it doesn't fit.

We lived in the differnt place for many years without knowing each other . Bad timing. You live in a city far away. Distance. We're both only beginning. You barely have time to eat, and I'm overwhelmed as well. Careers.

We're strangers.
But boy, I shout my pride from the rooftops. You're making your dreams come true, and it is so much harder than you expected, but you're there. And you're incredible at it. I am proud that I can call you a friend, your loyalty shines through with every word you say. Your understanding, your curiosity, your empathy. You touch every person that you meet, you're someone that can't be ignored. I am proud to say that we fell for each other. I fell for you. And that doesn't happen. I am proud to say I fell for someone like you.

But it's too hard, it's too much, it doesn't fit.

Our lives don't fit. They cant, that's the simple truth. I wanted, so badly to fight for us but there is no hopes. You're moving , leaving the city, and migrated near to me. I just wish we could have just admitted it; we would have fallen in love given half the chance.

So, best wishes all around, of course. And we'll exchange pleasantries and move on. I'll carry on making stupid mistakes, refusing to be vulnerable, and you'll probably fall in love. She'll be wonderful. She'll be perfect. She'll fit. I'll look back and wonder if you remember me. In years to come I might think about what could have been, then put it to the back of my mind. Hey, its the past. Move on. So thank you, and goodbye. All the best.

I wonder which memory of you will stay with me, there are so few.

best wished,

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