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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel. Let your faith be bigger than your fears.
I pour my heart and thoughts here
Pardon my words


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Wolverine !


I am sorry for the hurt. I do not want to patronize you, and keep telling you I wanted you to be happy—that ending things was to make things better for you—you knew there was something I kept hidden when we ended. You did love me by the end of it, I had held onto you long enough to make you love a girl like me. I needed you. I loved you because you let me hang onto you so I could change course. Somehow fate allowed our universes to touch—and when they did I wouldn’t let it go. You loved me, even though we fought over petty things. We had so much passion, despite that everything either of us said, became opposition to what both of us truly felt. 

When we broke up, you asked, “but how did I change your life?, What does that even mean?” It means that love is not perfect, love can come and go when it is ready, like it is a third party that has its own freewill. It can leave you feeling like the sea being pulled back by the moon. It can feel like an instant that knocks you over in its presence, and in its passing, you feel like it was never there. Love can be like that funny face your lover drew on the shower window, and even though they're gone, you still see it when it gets all steamy, and it doesn’t really make your heart sink, it just is there, and you can’t remember why you have this smirk on your face as you shave your legs. Before you, love made me a victim.

Our love was like driving in a rainstorm; feeling every drop hitting you harder than anything else you were staring out at from the inside. The muggy car and the rain would create the most powerful and heavy of silences: I would touch your knees, your hands, and in that moment I would believe that we were truly beautiful and that our love felt like a fast, wet car and that you felt it too. Although, sometimes our love felt like the realization you have when your windshield wipers are still squeaking along the dry glass, many moments after the storm had passed.

I am sorry , Wolverine . 

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