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but people will never forget how you made them feel. Let your faith be bigger than your fears.
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Completely Lost, Empty .

black and white, boy, bullshit, couple, cute, deppressed, e, emotions, empty, fashion, feeling, gif, girl, jennifer lawrence, kiss, life, love, meaning, movie, movies, nothing, quote, quotes, sad, text, true, vintage, words, jenniferlawrence

It's not right for me anymore. We are over. How could those two sentences, that specific grouping of words, result in my world caving in? We both said so much more than this, of course, that afternoon the 12th November, and I knew in my heart that it was coming for about a week prior. But those words were the ones of finality, that devastatingly concluded one years ...

I had plan my life with you at the centre, and now it's all gone and I feel completely lost and empty. The time so far has done little to ease what I feel. I'm not sure if you ever fully recover from something like this. How do you replace something you never wanted to replace? How do you pick up the pieces of your life when the one person you love more than anyone decides they no longer feel you are right? How do you fill the emptiness left, that hole in your chest?
I loved you with all that I had, even if you never fully reciprocated and perhaps always held something back. I was probably never good enough for you and of course we had our issues (none of which I felt were insurmountable). But I think you will struggle to find anyone who loves you quite as much as me – though you deserve it of course. And I was just so proud of everything that you were and that I was able to call you my boyfriend, somehow.
You helped me grow and develop as a person, and for that I will always be grateful.

I can't even do justice to how much you mean to me with words. And all the memories of you are both happy and excruciating to me at the same time. Til then, I'm just gonna stay here, and waiting . 


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