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Forever In My Heart

gif, romantic, gifRomantic

As time passed I drove myself insane with this new 'friendship' we had. Feelings were never shared, nothing was discussed we just enjoyed each other's time and company. I finally plucked up the courage to tell you how I felt and how Im just not ready. But is there ever a right time? I can never forget those last words you said when we ended, "I wish I met you in a few day, month or years."

I believe in the now, in acting on your emotions, in expressing your love and never holding back. I guess it's just something Im not used to. You have so many future hopes and dreams that you forget about the now. I cant force you to see what I see and feel what I feel. I've come to terms with this. I've come to terms with myself. But this relationship is something I cant seem to understand? 

You decided to let me go some time ago. I thought it would be the hardest thing to do. But it wasn't. It just made me realise how strong these feelings were. It made me realise that when you truly love someone, you can be without them and love them from afar, and that's what I've done. There's this invisible web that will forever connect us, despite ever really being together. I never owned you, so I never really lost you.

Quite frankly I'm drained and tired of this story. I haven't seen you for some time now. But I know when I do, this love I have will come floating to the surface once more, as it always does.

"True love never disappears, it just gets buried away sometimes by life."

You're forever in my heart


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