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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel. Let your faith be bigger than your fears.
I pour my heart and thoughts here
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Abah, made me feel safe. please.

 gif, girl

I remember we did that one time, just you and me, sharing our passion for drama. You worked a lot, so we couldn't do that often. But when we went, it was special. I also wish I haven't been so bitchy whenever you gave me constructive criticism regarding my future plans.

 You always wanted the best for me and I was blinded by other trivial things, not appreciating your efforts. I wish we could have hugged and cuddled more. But I also wish that you wouldn't have cheated on my mother, hurting her heart. A lot . 

I think that was the point where I had less respect toward you and distanced myself from your life. Still, you were so caring about my life choices. You cared about my future like no one else. You made me feel safe. But it's different now , different. 

And abah, my heart also feeling empty now. there's no one beside me now. no one else gonna take care of me just like you and. . .Wolverine. it's been a few weeks already. I have been madly in love and end up where I have had a really bad breakup. Abah, I have some thoughts that I need to share with someone, the real people, you, abah.

I think the love a daughter shares with her father is unique in so many different ways. It is sometimes an awkward kind of love, especially as a teen. But it is also protective, because a father knows how guys can hurt a girl. I would like to remember you as my personal hero, who would never judge me, just question me. Who would see me as a princess since the day I was born. Thank you for everything .

Abah , adik rindu abah .

 I miss my father May You be His helper. O God I fear, So please be His shelter.

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