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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel. Let your faith be bigger than your fears.
I pour my heart and thoughts here
Pardon my words


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I will keep you as a memory inside me. Not in my heart, but my head. You are done living in my heart and that's okay too. We had good times and we had bad times. You taught me a lot about life, art and music, and I would lie if I wasn't happy for it, but now I have found my own stuff, I am managing on my own. I have become this wonderful, strong, independent and happy person. And I would not have been like this by your side.

I will stop talking about you, I will try to stop trashing your name and I will put you in the past where you belong. It's almost been two years since it all began. It's time for you to leave my heart and I am letting you. I don't need you in a good way, I am happy in my life and I am deeply thankful for the time we shared, but it was over a long time ago. And I am sort of fine with that now. I don't want to thank you for anything, but I am moving on. I wish to use my time and mind on other things. So now I am finally letting you go and leaving you in the past as a memory.

long gone , 

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